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El Nino Predicted To Deliver An Impactful Winter; Partner With Snow Removal Services Now

Updated: Aug 8

Today’s fast-paced environment sometimes puts daily needs and pressing problems ahead of planning for seasonal weather shifts. The time is now to start preparing for the impending winter season and how it will affect your business since an El Nino weather pattern is on its way. Weather forecasters predict that some regions of the United States will experience a colder and wetter winter than usual, which will increase the likelihood of snow and ice. The primary cause of this is El Nino, a climate phenomenon characterized by weak trade winds over the equatorial Pacific Ocean and an increase in sea surface temperatures. Its effects are felt not only here in the United States, but across the globe. “Depending on its strength, El Nino can cause a range of impacts, such as increasing risk of heavy precipitation in certain locations around the world,” said Michelle L’Heureux, climate scientist at the Climate Prediction Center.

Snow Predictions

According to the NOAA, weather models show that we are transitioning from a large La Nino trend into a three-year El Nino era. The East Coast, the Mid-Atlantic region, and portions of the lower Midwest and the Southeast have already seen excessive snowfall and ice conditions as a result of this type of change. That is what we anticipate transpiring this winter. No matter where you live, it's crucial to keep in mind that Mother Nature can be unpredictable, and this winter could bring about several possibilities.


PLAN NOW: Snow Predictions

This winter's snow and ice removal planning is an important aspect of proactive facility management and can strengthen a business's brand commitment to dependability and safety. In light of the impending El Nino, site managers should prepare their winter exterior care plan well in advance for the following three reasons:


The potential for significant cost savings is the first big advantage of securing snow removal services immediately. Think about the price difference between buying a winter coat in June versus January. Snow removal services follow the same logic: Waiting until the first snowfall exposes your organization to peak season costs that frequently go along with last-minute demands, particularly during times of increasing demand.

National service providers like The Bluestone Companies use their extensive network of supply-chain contacts, scalability, and national reach network to negotiate the best prices on equipment and bulk supplies including salt, ice-melting chemicals, snowplow equipment and operators. Starting winter preparations early gives you the chance to take advantage of early-bird discounts, which translates into real cost savings for your facilities. Additionally, thorough this planning it improves the efficiency of allocating financial and logistical resources.

Over the years, The Bluestone Companies President, Steve Reed, has heard many testimonials from accounts and site managers about the importance of snow removal planning as it relates to budgeting, opening and allowing business revenue streams and overall safety of those living at or using the properties being serviced.


Snow removal companies with a solid reputation for dependability, openness, and responsive service are frequently booked up early. These professionals will have less availability as winter approaches.

Reputable suppliers need to have a strong and networked staff of dependable and skilled service operators who keep a constant line of communication open. The Bluestone Companies currently oversees more than 1,000 exterior locations nationwide. To guarantee the delivery of high-quality services, account managers are key to our ability to execute the needs of the customer.


A proactive snow removal partner might be compared to a winter insurance policy, offering comfort against the impending arrival of snow and ice. If not appropriately addressed, these situations could lead to safety problems and have a bad effect on how people perceive your business. But you won't need to worry about it if you have a reliable vendor in place. For instance, The Bluestone Companies’ account managers actively monitor the locations of its clients, ensuring that the walkways and parking lots are routinely cleared of snow and ice.

Facility managers should start making early winter preparations now that an El Nino trend is developing, which includes securing a snow removal vendor right now. The benefits of this proactive approach include cost savings, ease of access to reliable providers, and peace of mind. By taking quick action, you may ensure that your business runs smoothly with the least amount of disruption and inconvenience during winter.

The time is now to start preparing for the impending winter season and how it will affect your business. Contact The Bluestone Companies for your winter treatment and snow removal estimate.

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